Step into the magical world of winter as our pre-primary adventurers embark on a whimsical journey through the pristine white desert. With snowflakes dancing in the air, the landscape transforms into a playground of wonder and delight. Join us as we capture the joy and excitement of our little explorers in this enchanting winter day.

To add sparkles and vibes of cold to a kid’s childhood winter celebration was done in Gajera Vidyabhavan Pre-Primary School with beautiful display. Different Stalls depicting Winter Season Like Winter Crops, Winter Food, Winter Veggies, Cosmetics, Herbal medicines, and Fire camp. Educators showed live things which are used during winter season. Students wore jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and joined this celebration.

The corner of White Dessert and Ranotsav are the eye catching set up done by the educators. It was the foremost attraction of this event wherein learners explained about the dessert, ship of the desert, tent and many more.

Learners brought Winter Food in their lunch box which was relished by them along with their friends. Learners had great outdoor Experience by enjoying breakfast outside in winter.

Below given are the concepts kids can learn about during a winter theme: 1. Signs of winter outdoors. 2. Changes in temperature. 3. Comparing hot and cold. 4. Investigating what will freeze and what will melt. 5. Appropriate clothing and gear for winter. 6. Hobbies and activities that is popular in winter.

Our Winter Carnival was a fun-filled day. The educators and learners actively participate to make it a perfect way of celebrating this season. It helps the kids better understand the concept of different season.

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