Hindi Diwas Celebration

भारत में हर भाषा का सम्मान है, पर हिंदी ईश्वर का वरदान है!

Hindi Diwas is being celebrated every year on September 14 to commemorate the adoption of Hindi as the official language of India by the Indian Constituent Assembly on this day in 1949. On this day the first prime minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, officially declared 14 September as the Hindi Diwas. On this day, a compromise was reached—during the drafting of the Constitution of India—on the languages that were to have official status in the Republic of India. Hindi Diwas serves as a reminder of the linguistic and cultural diversity of India. It highlights the importance of preserving and promoting our national language, Hindi. Celebrating this day not only fosters unity and a sense of belonging but also reaffirms the cultural richness that Hindi represents. In our country Film festivals, drama competitions and classical music shows are organized to celebrate Hindi language and its rich cultural heritage. While in schools this day is celebrated by organizing different activities like special assembly with recreational activities, speech competition, hindi quiz competition, slogan writing, etc.
This year our school Shree H J Gajera English Medium School, Primary Section celebrated this day by organizing a hindi poem recitation competition for the learners of grade 1st to 4th while a debate competition was organized for the learners of grade 5th to 7th. The learners came completely prepared and were very excited to present themselves in front of the audiences. The judges too were astounded by so much creative linguistic effort presented in front of them. The judgement was tough for them too. The purpose of the celebration was fulfilled in a positive way.
ऊंचाई के शिखर पर हिंदी को पहुंचाओ हिंदी की पहचान पूरी दुनिया में बनाओ!

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