World Conservation Day

“Envirornment is a gift from God, taking care of it is a return gift.” Every year on July 28th, World Nature Conservation Day acknowledges that the foundation for a healthy society is a healthy environment. Nature is very vital as it nurtures us emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Conservation is the protection of things found in nature. It is celebrated to raise awareness about the importance of preserving and protecting the natural resources. It is a day to reflect on the current state of our planet and to take action towards reducing our impact on the environment.

School celebrated Conservation Day by participating in various activities and wildlife conservation efforts. It is a day to appreciate the beauty of nature and to recognize the importance of protecting it. Gajera Farm School conducted small assembly to save our future for little learners. The kids in green attire were the attraction of the day. The day began with prayer thanking God for the beautiful nature around them. The entire green kindergarten helped in the joyful growth of the little children – a promise to conserve nature in abundance at our campus and an abode for species of birds. Each wildlife is part of our overall ecosystem and necessary for it to thrive for years to come. So we have to protect them. Our educators taught them we should never cut the tree through rhyme, no use of plastic and how to save water through the small skit. Educators also encouraged them to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices and preserve it for the bright future also raised awareness to maximum use of sustainable resources instead of plastic.

This day is celebrated in many ways around the world. Here our Gajerians did some class activities that took place on this day like save nature, save water, save wildlife etc. through these activities learners have enhanced the value of our planet. Remember to keep the activities age-appropriate and engaging to capture the attention and interest of the young learners.

The aim of World Nature Conservation Day is to save the plants and animals that are on the verge of getting extinct. On this day we all pledged of save mother Earth and taught them about conservation and its important role in the future of our world is an excellent step in the right direction. Learners develop their empathy and realize the value of caring for others and our planet. Hence, we should do anything and everything for our good.